/ News, Research
The FOT's funding programmes for R+I for 2025-2028

The FOT's funding programmes for R+I are being updated for 2025-2028. We are interested in your ideas and suggestions and would like to involve you in the updating process. Link to the survey is open until 31.08.2023.
The Federal Office of Transportation is surveying needs for its research and innovation funding programs for the years 2025-2028.
Specifically, in the following three areas (see appendices):
1. railroad infrastructure research
2. energy strategy in public transport 2050
3. innovation in regional passenger transport
We are interested in your ideas and suggestions and would like to involve you in the updating process.
Link to the survey (open until 31.08.2023): https://forms.office.com/e/2YAf5597Dy
Thank you for your support.