Empirical analysis of mobility behavior in the context of dynamic pricing (MOBIS)

E-bikes are becoming increasingly popular in Switzerland. Sales figures have been growing rapidly since 2015, especially since the onset of the Corona pandemic. The EBIS (E-Biking in Switzerland) project serves to investigate the impact of this trend on CO2 emissions in the transport sector. For this purpose, the transport behavior of a representative sample of cyclists in Switzerland is made using a combination of GPS tracking and surveys. The project assesses the current situation and improves the current knowledge about the modal shift enabled by e-biking. It examines which trips are made by which modes of transportation, with a particular focus on bicycles, cars, and public transportation. In addition, a route choice analysis will be conducted to provide information for future measures to promote cycling. Finally, different scenarios for the potential for CO2 emission reductions through the use of e-bikes in Switzerland will be calculated.

Lead: Prof. Dr. Beat Hintermann

Duration: 2022-2023

Project Funding: Third-party funded project; Innosuisse, UVEK, ETH, ZHAW

Project Website: https://ebis.ethz.ch/en/index.html