Publications in Energy and Climate
Schubert, I., Hinel, A. & Burger, P. (2025). Gendered energy consumption goes beyond sex: Applying a multi-dimensional gender framework to Swiss survey data. Energy Research & Social Science. 121, 103944. |
Stoiber, T., Hoerler, R., Schubert, I., & Burger, P. (2024). Encouraging shared and pooled-use automated vehicle mode choice—what users are sensitive to what instruments?. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 18(12), 1026-1060. |
Truffer, J., Frei, N., Schubert, I., Sohre, A., Nachtwey, O. (2024). The Formation and Consolidation of a Motley Crew. A Mixed-Method Overview of Swiss and German Corona Protests. German Politics and Society. 24 (3). |
Van der Kam, M., Lagomarsino, M., Azar, E., Hahnel, U. J., & Parra, D. (2024). An empirical agent-based model of consumer co-adoption of low-carbon technologies to inform energy policy. Cell Reports Sustainability. |
Madalina Vlasceanu et al. ,Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries.Sci. Adv.10,eadj5778(2024). |
Doell, K.C., Todorova, B., Vlasceanu, M. et al. The International Climate Psychology Collaboration: Climate change-related data collected from 63 countries. Sci Data 11, 1066 (2024). |
Engel, L., Hahnel, U. J. J., & Elassal, O. (2024, March 19). "Counteracting misperceptions of battery-electric vehicles with behavioral interventions." |
Frings, N., Nielsen, K. S., & Hahnel, U. J. (2024, March 22). Carbon footprint perceptions and their association with climate relevant behavior and policy support: a cross country comparison. |
Nielsen, K.S., Cologna, V., Bauer, J.M. et al. Realizing the full potential of behavioural science for climate change mitigation. Nat. Clim. Chang. 14, 322–330 (2024). |
Helm, J., Wong-Parodi, G., Hahnel, U. J., & Rahmani Azad, Z. (2024, April 15). Information search and policy acceptance about carbon dioxide removal. |
Günther, A., Hahnel, U. J., & van der Kam, M. (2024, May 6). Synergies of Carbon Tax and Climate Labelling for Behavior Change - Multi Country Study. |
Lagomarsino, M., Herrmann, M., Hahnel, U. J. J., & Brosch, T. (2024, 2024/04/01/). New markets for local, renewable, or affordable energy? A segmentation analysis to identify consumer preferences for decentralized energy markets. Cleaner Energy Systems, 7, 100109. |
Spampatti, T., Hahnel, U.J.J., Trutnevyte, E. et al. Psychological inoculation strategies to fight climate disinformation across 12 countries. Nat Hum Behav 8, 380–398 (2024). |
Hahnel, U. J. J., Mumenthaler, C., Dent Ferrel, T., & Brosch, T. (2024). Translating interventions to improve competence, motivation, and support of heating professionals to increase energy efficiency in Swiss buildings. In What works, what doesn't (and when): Case studies in applied behavioral science. Univ. of Toronto Press. |
Bruehwiler, Nadine and Koehrsen, Jens Ole and Malin, Julius and Roysen, Rebeca and Kos, Lasse, Does Religion Have an Impact on the Diffusion of Sustainable Innovations? A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Ecovillages Worldwide. or |
Glaab, K., & Köhrsen, J. (2024, August). Klimawandel und Religion. Ein interdisziplinäres Gespräch. In Religion–Wirtschaft–Politik (pp. 271-278). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. |
Köhrsen, J. (2024, August). Klimawandel und Religion in lokalen und nationalen Kontexten. In Religion–Wirtschaft–Politik (pp. 227-252). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. |
Darudi, Ali, and Hannes Weigt. “Review and Assessment of Decarbonized Future Electricity Markets”. WWZ Working Paper 06. Basel: WWZ, 2024. |
Huebner, Sabine R. “The Unruly River. The End of the Roman Climate Optimum in Egypt and Diocletian’s Empire-Wide Reforms,” in: Sabine R. Huebner & Brandon eds. The Roman Climate Optimum and the Disintegration of the Roman Empire. Oxford University Press (forthcoming) |
Huebner, Sabine R. “Sustainability in Papyrology,” in: Fournet, J.-L. ed. Proceedings of the 30th International Congress of Papyrology. Paris (forthcoming). |
Huebner, Sabine R. “Klimageschichte und Geschichtswissenschaft – Eine überfällige Kontroverse?,” in: Holger Thünemann & Manuel Köster eds.Geschichtskulturelle Transformationen: Kontroversen, Akteure, Zeitpraktiken (forthcoming). |
Heimann, T., Delzeit, R. (2024) “Land for fish: Quantifying the connection between the aquaculture sector and agricultural markets”, Ecological Economics, 217. Available at: |
Richter, S. et al. (2024) “Animal welfare has priority: Swiss consumers’ preferences for animal welfare, greenhouse gas reductions and other sustainability improvements in dairy products”, Food Quality and Preference, p. 105350. Available at: |
Mann, S., Kaiser, A. (2023) “Why is agricultural policy not more environmentally ambitious? Comparing failed attempts in Switzerland”, Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 11, p. 100096. Available at: |
Antonia Kaiser, Robin Samuel & Paul Burger (2024) Toward a lowpesticide agriculture: bridging practice theory and social-psychological concepts to analyze farmers’ routines, Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 20:1, 2306731, |
Hearn, A., Buzzi, A.-L., Malin, J., & Koehrsen, J. (2024). Sustainable development through religious environmental engagement? Evidence from Switzerland. Sustainable Development, 1–16. |
Erni-Cassola, G., Dolf, R., & Burkhardt-Holm, P. (2024, 2024/03/26). Microplastics in the Water Column of the Rhine River Near Basel: 22 Months of Sampling. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(12), 5491-5499. |
Roysen, R., Bruehwiler, N., Kos, L., Boyer, R., & Koehrsen, J. (2024). Rethinking the diffusion of grassroots innovations: An embedding framework. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 200, 123156. |
Di Giulio, A., Defila, R., & Ruesch Schweizer, C. (2023). Using the Theory of Protected Needs to conceptualize sustainability as 'caring for human wellbeing': an empirical confirmation of the theory’s potential. In: Frontiers in Sustainability, 4:1036666. |
Di Giulio, A., & Defila, R. (2023): Narrative als Ansatz zur Förderung von Nachhaltigkeit. Ergebnisse einer Literaturstudie. ÖkologischesWirtschaften, 38(1), 30-35. |
Defila, R., & Di Giulio, A. (2023). Nachhaltigkeit im Konsum – Suffizienz statt Verzicht und Geschützte Bedürfnisse statt Planetare Grenzen. In: Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- and Sozialwissenschaften (Hrsg.): Wege zu einem nachhaltigen Konsum | Vers une consommation durable. Köniz: SAGW. 34-44. |
Kaiser, A. (2023). Discursive struggles over pesticide legitimacy in Switzerland: A news media analysis. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 49, 100777. |
Andrew, K., Rhodes, E., & Ebner, M. (2024, 2024/02/01/). Size of government and willingness-to-pay for environmental policy: Evidence from a cross-country survey. Journal of Environmental Management, 351, 119601. |
Duygan, M., Kachi, A., Temocin, P., & Trencher, G. (2023, 2023/11/01/). A tale of two coal regimes: An actor-oriented analysis of destabilisation and maintenance of coal regimes in Germany and Japan. Energy Research & Social Science, 105, 103297. |
L’Orange Seigo, S., Probst, M., Stauffacher, M., Lobsiger, E., & Blumer, Y. (2023). Interventionen in Reallaboren : ein Handbuch für die Praxis. ETH Zürich, TdLAB. |
Bergman, M. M., & Bergman, Z. (2023). INSIST - Toward Sustainable Communities: A Case Study of the Eastern Market in Detroit. In. |
Freimann, S. A., Housecroft, C. E., & Constable, E. C. (2023). Nanoparticulate Perovskites for Photocatalytic Water Reduction. Nanomaterials, 13(14), 2094. |
Risi, G., Devereux, M., Prescimone, A., Housecroft, C. E., & Constable, E. C. (2023). Back to the future: asymmetrical DπA 2,2′-bipyridine ligands for homoleptic copper(i)-based dyes in dye-sensitised solar cells [10.1039/D3RA00437F]. RSC Advances, 13(7), 4122-4137. |
Schmidt, F., Amrein, M., Hedwig, S., Kober-Czerny, M., Paracchino, A., Holappa, V., Suhonen, R., Schäffer, A., Constable, E. C., Snaith, H. J., & Lenz, M. (2023, 2023/04/05/). Organic solvent free PbI2 recycling from perovskite solar cells using hot water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 447, 130829. |
Brückmann, G., Berger, S., Caviola, H., Hahnel, U. J. J., Piana, V., Sahakian, M., & Stadelmann-Steffen (2023). Towards more impactful energy research: the salient role of social sciences and humanities. Plos Climate, 2(2). |
Herberz, M., Brosch, T., & Hahnel, U. J. J. (2023). The impact of perceived partisanship on climate policy support: A conceptual replication and extension of the temporal framing effect. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 86, 1-16. |
Conte, B., Brosch, T., & Hahnel, U. J. J.(2023). Initial evidence for a systematic link between core values and emotional experienced in environmental situations. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 88, 1-6. |
Lagomarsino, M., van der Kam, M., Rahmani Azad, Z., Parra, D., & Hahnel, U. J. J. (2023). Co-adoption pathways toward a low-carbon energy system. iScience, 26, 107815. |
Hintermann, Beat, and Markus Ludwig. “Home Country Bias in International Emissions Trading: Evidence from the EU ETS”. Resource and Energy Economics 71 (2023): |
Erni-Cassola, G., Ebner, J.N., Blattner, L.A., Burkhardt-Holm, P., 2023. Microplastics in river sediment: Chronic exposure of the amphipod Gammarus fossarum to polyethylene terephthalate in a microcosm. Elsevier 2024/Vol. 463. |
Hahnel, U. J. J. (2022). Consumer awareness of load shapes. Nature Energy, 7 (12), 1122-1123. |
Brückmann, G., Berger, S., Caviola, H., Hahnel, U. J. J., Piana, V., Sahakian, M., & Stadelmann-Steffen (2023). Towards more impactful energy research: the salient role of social sciences and humanities. Plos Climate, 2(2). |
Herberz, M., Brosch, T., & Hahnel, U. J. J. (2023). The impact of perceived partisanship on climate policy support: A conceptual replication and extension of the temporal framing effect. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 86, 1-16. |
Conte, B., Brosch, T., & Hahnel, U. J. J. (2023). Initial evidence for a systematic link between core values and emotional experienced in environmental situations. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 88, 1-6. |
Lagomarsino, M., van der Kam, M., Rahmani Azad, Z., Parra, D., & Hahnel, U. J. J. (2023). Co-adoption pathways toward a low-carbon energy system. iScience, 26, 107815. |
Schmidt, F., Amrein, M., Hedwig, S., Kober-Czerny, M., Paracchino, A., Holappa, V., Riikka Suhonen, R., Schäffer, A., Constable, E. C., Snaith, H. J. and Lenz, M. (2023) “Organic solvent free PbI₂ recycling from perovskite solar cells using hot water”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 447, p. 130829. |
Risi, G., Devereux, M., Prescimone, A., Housecroft, C. E. and Constable, E. C. (2023) “Back to the future: asymmetrical DπA 2,2’-bipyridine ligands for homoleptic copper(I)-based dyes in dye-sensitized solar cells”, RSC Advances, 13, pp. 4122–4137. 10.1039/d3ra00437f. |
Mihailova, D. (2023). Redefining business models for the energy transition: Social innovation and sustainable value creation in the European energy system. Energy Research & Social Science, 100, 103114. |
Fesenfeld, L. P., Maier, M., Brazzola, N., Stolz, N., Sun, Y., & Kachi, A. (2023). How information, social norms, and experience with novel meat substitutes can create positive political feedback and demand-side policy change. Food Policy, 117, 102445. |
Paul Fesenfeld, L., Maier, M., Brazzola, N., Stolz, N., Sun, Y., & Kachi, A. (2023, 2023/05/01/). How information, social norms, and experience with novel meat substitutes can create positive political feedback and demand-side policy change.Food Policy, 117, 102445. |
Heinke, S., Roux, C., & Schaefers, S. (2022). Information and Externalities: The Role of Market Transparency for Sustainable Production. Available at SSRN 4247620. |
Bagaïni, A., Liu, Y., Bajrami, A., Son, G., Tisdall, L., & Mata, R. (2022). "Age Differences in Economic Preferences: Cumulative meta-analyses of risk, time, and social preferences." Preprint from PsyArXiv |
Lordan-Perret, Rebecca, Rebekka Bärenbold, Hannes Weigt, and Robert Rosner (2022). “An Ex-Ante Method to Verify Commercial U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Cost Estimates”. WWZ Working Paper 2022. |
Thaa, H., Ivanova, M. and Nachtwey, O. (2022) “Kapitalismusanalyse und -kritik: zur Einführung”, in Ivanova, M., Thaa, H., and Nachtwey, O. (eds.) Kapitalismus und Kapitalismuskritik. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, pp. 11–36. |
Ivanova, M., Thaa, H. and Nachtwey, O. (eds.) (2022) "Kapitalismus und Kapitalismuskritik". Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag. |
Anne Baumgartner, Frank C. Krysiak and Florian Kuhlmey (2022) “Sufficiency without regret”, Ecological economics, 200, p. 107545. |
Koehrsen, Jens; Wendt, Björn (2022). "Time for Change? Zeit als Herausforderung für Nachhaltigkeitspartizipation", in: Gaia 31 (4), 2022, pp. 215–221. |
Koehrsen, Jens (2022). "Sustainability and Post-Secularity", in: Bornemann, Basil; Knappe, Henrike; Nanz, Patrizia (eds.): Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability, London 2022, pp. 189–204. |
Koehrsen, Jens; Blanc, Julia; Huber, Fabian (2022). "Tensions in Religious Environmentalism", in: Koehrsen, Jens; Blanc, Julia; Huber, Fabian (eds.): Religious Environmental Activism, London 2022, pp. 1–25. |
Brühwiler, Nadine; Koehrsen, Jens: Taylor, Bron (2010). "Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Planetary Future", in: Rödder, Simone; Ibrahim, Youssef (eds.): Schlüsselwerke der sozialwissenschaftlichen Klimaforschung, Bielefeld 2022, pp. 203–208. |
Koehrsen, Jens (2022). "Soziologie und Klimawandel: Die 2008er & 2010er Diskussion um die Rolle der Soziologie in Current Sociology & Sociological Research Online", in: Rödder, Simone; Ibrahim, Youssef (eds.): Schlüsselwerke der sozialwissenschaftlichen Klimaforschung, Bielefeld 2022, pp. 399–405. |
Koehrsen, Jens (2022). "Religion and Ecology", in: Pellizzoni, Luigi; Leonardi, Emanuele; Asara, Viviana (eds.): Elgar Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics, Cheltenham 2022, pp. 282–294. |
Koehrsen, Jens; Blanc, Julia; Huber, Fabian (eds.): "Religious Environmental Activism: Emerging Conflicts and Tensions in Earth Stewardship" London 2022. |
Koehrsen, Jens (2022): "Sustainability and Post-Secularity" in: Bornemann, Basil; Knappe, Henrike; Nanz, Patrizia (eds.): Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability, London 2022, pp. 189–204. |
Hintermann, B., & Ludwig, M. (2022). "Home country bias in international emissions trading: Evidence from the EU ETS." Resource and Energy Economics, 101336. |
Ooi YP, Reed M, Marchal-Jones E, Meyer AH, Gaab J. (2022). "Sociocultural Adjustment and Well-being Among Third Culture Kids and Their Families: Protocol for a Longitudinal Study" in JMIR Res Protoc 2022;11(7):e30088 |
Delzeit, R. and Schmidt, A. (2022) “Wie wirkt sich der globale Wandel auf die Landnutzung aus? - Die neue Forschungsgruppe ‘Globale und Regionale Landnutzungsänderungen’ stellt sich vor”, Regio Basiliensis, (63/1), pp. 27–33. |
Schuenemann, F. and Delzeit, R. (2022) “Potentials, subsidies and tradeoffs of cellulosic ethanol in the European Union”, Ecological economics, 195, p. 107384. |
Mehrabi, Z., Delzeit, R., Ignaciuk, A., West, P. C., Wittman, H. and You, L. (2022) “Research priorities for global food security under extreme events”, One Earth, 5(7), pp. 756–766. |
C. E. Housecroft and E. C. Constable Chem. Sci. (2022) "Solar energy conversion using first row d-block metal coordination compound sensitizers and redox mediators" in Chemical Science, 13(5), 1225-1262. |
Burger, P. and Christen, M. (2022) “Sustainability, Well-being and Justice”, in Bornemann, B., Knappe, H., and Nanz, P. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 135–149. |
Baumgartner, A., Schubert, I., Sohre, A., Tomic, U., Moser, C. and Burger, P. (2022) “Toward a reduction of car-based leisure travel: An analysis of determinants and potential measures”, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, pp. 1–20. |
Schubert, I., Weber, S., Martinez-Cruz, A. L., Burger, P. and Farsi, M. (2022) “Structural equation modelling as a route to inform sustainable policies: the case of private transportation”, Frontiers in Sustainability, 3, pp. 1–16. |
Mihailova, D., Schubert, I., Burger, P. and Fritz, M. M. C. (2022) “Exploring modes of sustainable value co-creation in renewable energy communities”, Journal of cleaner production, 330(1), p. 129917. |
Hess, A.-K., Schubert, I., Samuel, R. and Burger, P. (2022) “Changing routinized household energy consumption using the example of washing, cooking, and standby: A randomized controlled field experiment of home energy advice”, Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 4, p. 100052. |
Borrelli, P., Panagos, P., Alewell, C., Ballabio, C., de Oliveira Fagundes, H., Haregeweyn, N., Lugato, E., Maerker, M., Poesen, J., Vanmaercke, M. and Robinson, D.A. (2022). "Policy implications of multiple concurrent soil erosion processes in European farmland." In Nature Sustainability. |
Herberz, M., Hahnel, U. J. J., Brosch, T. (2022). "Counteracting electric vehicle range concern with a scalable behavioral intervention." In: Nature Energy, 7(6). |
Lagomarsino, M., van der Kam, M., Parra, D., & Hahnel, U. J. J. (2022). "Do I need to charge right now? Tailored choice architecture design can increase preferences for electric vehicle smart charging." In: Energy Policy, 162, 112818. |
Spampatti, T., Hahnel, U. J. J., Trutnevyte, E., & Brosch, T. (2022). "Short and long-term dominance of negative information in shaping public energy perceptions: the case of shallow geothermal systems." In: Energy Policy. |
Mertens, S., Herberz, M., Hahnel, U. J. J., Brosch, T. (2022). "The effectiveness of nudging: A meta-analysis of choice architecture interventions across behavioral domains." In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 119(1), 1-10. |
Graton, A., Mailliez, M., &Hahnel, U. J. J. (2022). "Can reference to COVID-19 improve climate change communication? Investigating the influence of emotions and uncertainty in persuasion messages." In: Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology. |
Hearn, A.X., Mihailova, D., Schubert, I. and Sohre, A., (2022). "Redefining energy vulnerability, considering the future." In: Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, p.116. |
Di Giulio, A., & Defila, R., (2022). "Die Bedeutung von Narrativen für Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit". |
Rumpf, S., Gravey, M., Brönnimann, O., Luoto, M., et al., (2022). "From white to green: Snow cover loss and increased vegetation producitivity in the European Alps." In: Science |
Burger,P., Emenegger, R., Sohre, A., (2022). "Energy futures as societal futures: Co-evolutionary scenarios linking futures of society and decarbonized energy systems in Switzerland 2050." In: Futures. |
Bornemann, B., Christen, M., & Kachi, A., (2022). "Implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Swiss Cantons. Results of an expert survey in cantonal offices." In: Zenodo. |
Mihailova, D., Schubert, I., Martinez.Cruz, A., Hearn, A., Sohre, A., (2022) "Preferences for configurations of Positive Energy Districts - Insights from a discrete choice experiment on Swiss households". In: Energy Policy. |
Hettich, P., Kachi, A., (2022). "Swiss Energy Governance: Political, Economic and Legal Challenges and Opportunities in the Energy Transition". In: Springer. |
Teschner, R., Ruppen, J., Bornemann, B., Emmenegger, R., Sánchez, L.A. (2021) "Mapping Sustainable Diets: A Comparison of Sustainability References in Dietary Guidelines of Swiss Food Governance Actors". In: Sustainability. |
Koehrsen, J., Huber, F. (2021) "A field perspective on sustainability transitions: The case of religious organizations". In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. |
Bondarev, A. & Krysiak, F. C. (2021)."Economic development and the structure of cross-technology interactions". In: European Economic Review. |
Burger, P., Sohre, A., Hearn, A.X., (2021). "Innovative but unjust? Analysing the opportunities and justice issues within positive energy districts in Europe". In: Energy Research & Social Science. |
Duygan, M., Kachi, A., Oliveira. T. D., & Rinscheid, A. (2021) “Introducing the Endowment-Practice-Institutions (EPI) Framework for studying agency in the institutional contestation of socio-technical regimes”. In: Journal of Cleaner Production. |
Emmenegger, R. et al. (2021). Eine nachhaltige Risikogesellschaft? Ein Beitrag zur Debatte um Atomenergie und Abfall in der Schweiz. |
Axhausen, K., Molloy, J., Tchervenkov, C., Becker, F., Hintermann, B. et al. (2021) "Empirical analysis o mobility behavior in the presence of Pigovain transport pricing." Forschungsprojekt auf Antrag des Bundesamts für Strassen (ASTRA). |
Köhrsen, J. (2021). "Muslims and climate change: How Islam, Muslim organizations, and religious leaders influence climate change perceptions and mitigation activities". In: WIRES Climate Change. |
Krysiak F. C. et al. (2021). Von Modellen zu Visionen: Ansätze zur Ergänzung von quantitativen Energieszenarien. SCCER CREST White Paper #11, 2021. |
Molloy, J., Schatzmann, T., Schoeman, B., Tchervenkov, C., Hintermann, B., & Axhausen, K. (2021). "Observed impacts of the Covid-19 first wave on travel behaviour in Switzerland based on a large GPS panel". In: Transport Policy. |
Patel M. K. et al. (2021). Energieeffizienzprogramme - Lehren aus und für die Schweiz. SCCER CREST White Paper #10, 2021. |
Stutzer, R., Rinscheid, A., Oliveira, T. D., Loureiro, P. M., Kachi, A., & Duygan, M. (2021) "Black coal, thin ice: the discursive legitimisation of Australian coal in the age of climate change". In: Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. |
Trencher, G., Truong, N., Temocin, P., & Duygan, M. (2021). "Top-down sustainability transitions in action : How do incumbent actors drive electric mobility diffusion in China , Japan , and California ?". In: Energy Research & Social Science, 79, 102184 |
Von Rothkirch, J., & Ejderyan, O. (2021). "Anticipating the social fit of CCS projects by looking at place factors". In: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, |